Do I need a yellow fever certificate for India?
Although it is not recommended for travelers to India, there are cases where a yellow fever vaccine might be necessary for entry. If you are arriving in India from a country with common yellow fever, proof of immunization may be required. For example, when you travel from certain South American countries to India, you may be asked to provide evidence of your yellow fever vaccination. However, you will be required to show the Immigration Officer a valid passport and a visa upon arrival in India. This passport must be valid for at least six months from the entry date into the country. Therefore, please please remember to bring these documents with you during your trip.
For Indian visa applications, a yellow fever certificate is not required. Instead, Travel Insurance is recommended for all travelers because it can cover expenses in case of medical treatment while staying in India. Additionally, some benefits offered by this travel insurance, including baggage loss or trip cancellation, may help your Indian trip be more enjoyable. You can purchase a travel insurance plan while applying for an Indian visa online on the Indian Immigration Services website. With just a click in the field Covid-19 Insurance in the visa application form, you can get this insurance at $299 per person.